Submitted by : Charles Ivin Date Posted: 19 October 2006
A relatively recently established weed (2005-2006) has been found on the Brook, in the Camelia Ave / Pullen Rd vicinity at Mitchelton. Its name is Kudzu ( Pueraria montana var. lobata ). Note that it is not a declared weed, but this is more a reflection on it being relatively uncommon... at the moment [about October 2006. Editor]. Experienced staff from Brisbane City Council have told us it has the potential to be a serious weed, based upon the visual characteristics of the plant noted at the above site. Dyschoriste depressa has already been well launched along the top of Kedron Brook over the last four or so years since it was first recognised. Despite extensive eradication treatments being carried out, Dyschoriste may never be completely controlled. Kudzu is still at a stage where it may be most easily stopped. So we need everyone along the Brook and all our SE Queensland river catchments to keep a watch so we can identify its presence and ensure it doesn't spread and become another Dyschoriste! You can see detailed information about Kudzu on the Weed identification section of the Brisbane City Council web site. Another great link is to the Global Invasive Species Database . [Previous to 28/05/2010, there was a link from this page to the Bushland Friendly Nursery Scheme (NSW) This is no longer current, Editor.] In 2010, discussions with the Weed section of BCC, indicated that the floods of 2008-9 exposed small tubers in the ground at the past known location. Therefore, it is feared that some of these tubers may have been then transported down the Brook from the Mitchelton location. There could be a most unpleasant surprise for us in the future. If you see this weed please contact your local council as soon as possible. |
CI 14/10/2011